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A Management Buy Out (MBO) or Management Buy In (MBI) can be a special opportunity for a management team to generate personal wealth by participating in the value they create in the business they manage.

Our team has the experience to help guide and support management teams through the process. We advise management teams on structuring, valuation, financing and tax planning and assist them to approach the vendor with a credible bid.

We provide hands-on support for management teams including:
  • analysis and appraisal of the benefits to companies of an MBO/MBI
  • providing tax planning advice
  • assisting companies to make an appropriate approach to the vendor
  • supporting negotiations with the vendor
  • assisting companies to produce business plans, presentations, and appropriately supported financial projections
  • using our relationships with funders to introduce companies to appropriate sources of funding
  • supporting negotiations and liaising with legal advisors
  • project managing the transaction to completion