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June 2021

Tax Deduction for Home Office Expenses. Do You Qualify?

Flexible work arrangements have become increasingly popular as the need of employers and employees change in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In this article, Grant Ward discusses the specific circumstances that need to be met before workers can qualify for a home office deduction for tax purposes.  

Amazon To Acquire MGM Studios

Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is in talks to buy US movie studio MGM for c. US$9bn. MGM was forced into bankruptcy about 10 years ago, after piling up debt of c. US$4bn. Marco de Matos has a closer look.

Conquer The Communication Challenges Caused by Masks

June is Effective Communications Month. In the context of South Africa entering its third COVID wave, Anel Jacobs considers the impact of mask-wearing on communication, and shares tips on how to conquer the communication challenges caused by masks.

Have You Declared Your Income from Crypto? If not, Apply for a VDP Quickly

Cryptocurrency is a hot topic at the moment and in February this year, SARS commissioner Edward Kieswetter confirmed that undisclosed cryptocurrency holdings will be a big area of focus for SARS. Are your tax affairs in order or do you need to apply for a VDP? Grant Ward elaborates.