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Garry Rademan

Garry Rademan

Director, Advisory

Garry has experience in a wide range of industries with notable roles being the senior in charge on the audit of medium-sized manufacturing, investment, property–owning, marketing, transportation, insurance broker, wholesale automotive parts retailers, charitable foundations, security and risk advisory and clothing companies. Garry also has experience in working for the Auditor General on audits of municipalities; has been contracted out by Moore Stephens UK to the United Nations to perform agreed upon procedures regarding their operations in the Swaziland education system and has experience working in Eastern Africa, specifically Kenya and Tanzania, as well as in Luxembourg.

His knowledge in financial accounting, information technology, leadership and client relation skills is what Garry brings to any business.

After completing his training contract in June 2013, he is currently a Senior Consultant, where he works on Management Services, Forensic, Litigation Support and Corporate Finance projects as well as providing assistance to the audit department in a Manager role when required.


  • Accounting
  • Audit and assurance
  • Business consultancy
  • Business restructuring and insolvency
  • Corporate finance
  • Forensic and litigation support


  • Energy, Mining and Renewables
  • Manufacturing and Distribution
  • Not-for-Profit
  • Technology and Telecommunications