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HomeNews & Views

All news by: Grant Duff

Why ESG Auditing Is Essential

As we approach the first quarter of 2024, it is safe to say that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting is firmly entrenched in organisations globally.
Wherever public disclosures are made and stakeholders need to rely on the disclosures, the need for independent audits arise—ESG auditing is no different. How an organisation collects, manages and reports ESG risks will directly impact their preparedness and reaction to ESG issues.

Corporate Risk Assessment: How Are You Doing?

Running an organisation of any size comes with inherent risks—and taking risks in business is, sometimes, par for the course.
It is easy to see why corporate risk assessment is crucial. Not only does corporate risk assessment reveal the risks to which an organisation is exposed, it also analyses the size, likelihood and potential impact of each. In doing so, management can make better decisions about where to allocate resources to manage, if not mitigate these risks entirely.