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Employment tax advisory & compliance

Employment costs often represent a substantial investment in a business. We help you gain the maximum benefit through a range of advisory services. We also help our clients identify and manage many risks associated with employee remuneration:

  • implementing salary sacrifice arrangements
  • PAYE planning including employee restricted securities
  • avoiding PAYE pitfalls on share schemes
  • designing or updating expenses & benefits policies
Provide detailed help on key risk areas including:
  • employed vs. self-employed
  • termination payments
  • agency rules and temporary workers
We recognise that, for many businesses, complying with all SARS’s requirements is a strain. We can assist with:
  • annual returns and IRP5 reconciliations
  • annual share scheme reporting 

We provide prompt and comprehensive advice to a large number of clients on a daily basis, as well as dealing with regular queries through our international network.