As part of the government’s response to the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown, the Unemployment Insurance Fund (“UIF”) has been managing the processing and payment of claims submitted in relation to the Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (“TERS”).
The total payments made to employers/employees, as confirmed by the Department of Employment and Labour up to and including the 19th of June 2020 is close to R 24 billion - R 6 billion of which solely relates to the month of May.
On 24 June 2020, the UIF officially opened the application process in relation to UIF TERS claims for the month of June.
Few employers could, however, access the website in order to submit their claims as the website crashed repeatedly throughout the day of the 24th.
Online applications can be made by clicking HERE.
A step-by-step guide has also been released to assist applicants. The guide can be found HERE.
Lastly, we would like to communicate that no material amendments have been made to the UIF TERS Legislation, other than what we have communicated to date. This should finally give some stability to the relief program and provide employers with the opportunity to submit more than one month’s claim based on the same set of regulations.
Author: Mark Hewitt from Moore Cape Town’s specialist Tax and Advisory Department